
Saturday, November 3, 2012

legal work

You have met the requirements to provide income tax and sales tax and goods and services tax. You have your business, and examination of the municipal tax assessment.
You know what precautions to take to help prevent litigation.
If you are about to engage in litigation, you have a plan of action to maximize the chances of success and keep the cost under control. When hiring an attorney, and you know what you need and what we expect of you.
Stop the presses - before continuing - I do not hear that there are many items in this list that are not interested or did not think that can be updated?
We were not surprised. In our experience, the owners of small and medium-sized enterprises to move to address the many important legal issues involved in the regulation of business relationships with partners, shareholders, customers, employees and the government in prevention and risk management cost of litigation. Often, agreements are not taken fully into account.
Small business owners tend to do what only when absolutely necessary to comply with the law and refrain from spending money to get legal services to the top of the stairs when cheap shortcut and it seems to do the trick. Your goal is to get your business going, to get the product on the market, so sales and keep costs down. You may get lucky and manage their business for years without anything going wrong.
Sounds good, but if you ignore the legal precautions such as these, and your business as a driver in a car unbolted that have not been repaired --- in other words, an accident waiting to happen disaster.
Here are two examples of nightmares legal work that could have been easily avoided with preventive law program, such as verification of legal work. These are real cases decided in the courts of Ontario:
Sell my RV dealer Toronto motor home for a client. After using it for a few weeks, customer complained that the seller had misled him about the "rental program" and take the engine again and refused to make any payments. Dealer for sale, and car and suffered a loss of $ 25,000 for the client who sued.

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